
Our mission is to equip you with the knowledge and tools to take control of your health, understand the world around you, and stand firm in your beliefs.

True health and freedom

In a world inundated with mainstream narratives and corporate agendas, how long can we allow our health and freedom to be dictated by those who don't have our best interests at heart? The Ted and Austin Broer Show emerged as an answer to this pressing question. We may not have the reach of mainstream media, but we have the truth – and that's what matters most. Remember, true health and freedom start with an informed and empowered individual – and that's you.

Informed decisions

The mission of the Ted and Austin Broer Show is to empower listeners with knowledge that challenges conventional wisdom in health, politics, and spirituality. We live in a society where "official" narratives often overshadow truth, forcing people to choose between false dichotomies. We believe in a world where individuals can make informed decisions based on real science, unbiased data, and biblical wisdom.

Everyday life application

Dr. Ted Broer, an internationally recognized health and nutrition expert, and his son Austin Broer, a holistic fitness specialist, combine their expertise to create a unique platform that bridges the gap between cutting-edge health research and everyday life application.

Asking the right questions

The Ted and Austin Broer Show covers a wide range of topics, from natural health solutions to geopolitical analysis, always encouraging critical thinking and personal empowerment. We don't claim to have all the answers, but we're committed to asking the right questions and challenging the status quo.

Control of your health

Our goal isn't fame or fortune. Our mission is to equip you with the knowledge and tools to take control of your health, understand the world around you, and stand firm in your beliefs. We aim to show that with the right information and a willingness to think independently, anyone can navigate the complexities of modern life and thrive.

Thank you for your support

We are deeply grateful for your support and feedback. You are the reason we continue to broadcast truth in a world of deception. We hope you'll consider sharing our show with friends and family.